. It all started with a call .

Bring life to a residential area.
Happy Hour
Happy Hour
Happy Hour
Intrigue a neighborhood’s residents.
  • . Client .
    SDC Quartier D
  • . Role .
    Advertising Campaign
Following the setup of a pop-up terrace on Decarie’s public space, the SDC (“Société de Développement Commercial”) of Quartier D needs to promote the outdoor space to its primary audiences and create foot traffic on its commercial street. For that reason, the SDC chooses to organize multicultural musical concerts on its public square, an initiative that fits perfectly with the brand’s positioning. In order to promote these local events, digital and traditional campaigns are planned and set up in the aim of attracting and converting different target audiences by encouraging them to attend the events.
  • // Research & Moodboard
  • // Content Creation
  • // Editing of Promotional Videos
  • // Campaign Visuals’ Design
  • // Creative Copywriting
  • // Campaign Planning
  • // Media Planning
  • // Digital Campaign Management
  • // Digital Media Buying
  • // Performance Analysis (KPIs)
Conversion at the service of awareness.

Conversion at the service of awareness.

While the campaign’s primary objective is to promote the events, it is not the only purpose behind it. In fact, the campaign represents an opportunity to raise Quartier D’s awareness since the brand is recently established on the market and is still unknown to its target audience. The area’s residents having clearly expressed their wish to have more social and cultural events in the area through a satisfaction survey conducted with them, it is decided to intrigue them though a pre-campaign phase that aims to create a buzz around the events happening on the on the pop-up terrace before revealing them to the public.
// Outdoor Advertising

Combining sounds and images.

To make the target audience engage with the brand’s content, dynamic videos are created in collaboration with the performing artists and promoted on digital platforms. The latter highlight the vibe of the shows and trigger the curiosity of the viewers by transporting them into a virtual dynamic universe. In parallel, key visuals are created and adapted to traditional and digital media in order to attract a larger public to the events.

Strengthen the SDC’s online presence.

Strengthen the SDC’s online presence.

The whole campaign is designed based on Quartier D’s brand identity in order to visually reflect its core values through the events: multiculturalism, diversity, authenticity. Therefore, it is important to align the campaign’s visuals and key messages with the brand’s positioning. Once the events are announced, content is created around them on Quartier D’s website and social media pages in order to increase the brand’s online presence.